B.Sc (Hons.)Agriculture students visit to NBPGR
An educational tour of B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture 3rd year students to National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi was conducted on 12th April 2019. This visit was a part of the practical for the subject Crop Improvement-II (Rabi). Dr. Priyanka Mishra and Dr. Shubham Lamba, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, PDM University accompanied the students during the visit. Dr. A.D. Sharma, Technical officer, Germplasm Conservation Division explained the main mandates and functions of NBPGR. A short documentary film covering all the activities and infrastructure of the organization was shown, which was very useful to the students. Dr. Veena Gupta, Head, Germplasm Conservation Division interacted with the students and gave a brief account of the main activities of the division. She also described the various conservation methods and resources of crop germplasm collection being done by the NBPGR. The students visited the seed gene bank and collected a very good information regarding Germplasm exploration and conservation.

Dr. Veena Gupta (Head, Division of Germplasm Conservation) and Dr. A.D. Sharma (Technical Officer) interacting with the students

Visit to Gene Bank