Anuradha Bakshi - PDM Alumni
Our Departments
Conservative dentistry is the art & science of diagnosis, treatment & prognosis of defects of teeth that do not require full coverage restorations for correction. Such treatment results in restoration of proper tooth form, function & esthetics while maintaining the physiologic integrity of the teeth in harmonious relationship with the adjacent hard & soft tissues, all of which enhance the general health & welfare of the patient.
Approximately 90% of the patients requesting treatment for relief of pain have pulpal and/or periapical diseases. Being Endodontists and specialists in conservative dentistry, we should be proud to alleviate these problems by providing the necessary treatment. To provide this, one should have necessary knowledge, skill, desire and attitudes. In the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics carious and non carious diseases of the tooth are treated. Based on history and radiographic examination patients are either treated conservatively or endodonticaly. The department caters to the need of cosmetic dentistry through tooth colored fillings, laminates, crowns and tooth whitening material.
At present our present concern is to render a caries free mouth and to restore what is already damaged. We work hard to achieve perfection and to ensure the treatment delivered to the public is the best. In that direction the department is equipped with fully automatic dental chairs and sported by modern diagnostic and corrective equipment.
The Department of Prosthodontics deals with the replacement of missing teeth and surrounding structures to restore the lost functions, aesthetics, patient comfort and complete oral rehabilitation. A variety of treatment is undertaken here which includes, Removable Partial Denture Prostheses, Complete denture prostheses, single crowns, multiple unit Fixed Partial Denture Prostheses, Maxillofacial rehabilitations, Temporomandibular disorder management and Implantology.

The department assures prompt, scientific and ethical prosthodontic therapy to patients using state-of-the-art equipment and infrastructure.
Adequate study and research facilities in the way of Journal subscriptions, textbooks, CDE programmes, workshops, etc. are available for a better and more comprehensive working environment for all BDS students.
The department is supported by Dental Materials Laboratory, an annexure to the department that trains students in handling and manipulation of basic dental materials and procedures. Students are allotted clinical postings wherein they are trained in the art of removable prosthodontics. Theory classes are conducted using audio visual aids and power-point presentations.
The department strives to inculcate a healthy teacher – student relationship and to provide a congenial working environment for one and all associated with the department to enrich the students with a thorough knowledge.
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is surgery to correct a wide spectrum of diseases, injuries and defects in the head, neck, face, jaws and the hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial region. It is a recognized international surgical specialty.
The department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery has reputation of achieving health care to all, committed to providing comprehensive service. . The out patient department has fully equipped chairs, air conditioned minor operating suite , where oral surgical procedures are carried out under local anaesthesia and intravenous sedation. The department is reputed for the yeoman service it renders to the society. It deals with a wide cross-section of cases with problems affecting the Oral and Maxillofacial regions.
A good number of patients undergo extractions and are attended to for minor and major surgeries on a routine basis.
As a referral centre, the unit gets references from adjoining Health Care Centres & from neighboring states for the management of an array of oro-facial disorders. The department has in-patient facility in the General Hospital and theatre access.
Students acquire adequate knowledge of anomalies, lesions and diseases affecting orofacial region and the importance of etiology and pathogenesis of oral disease and master skill of exodontia minor and major surgeries.
The Department of Periodontics at P.D.M Dental College and Research Institute is committed to impart adequate knowledge and understanding of the etiology, diagnosis, treatment planning of various periodontal problems. Achieving academic excellence, providing optimal oral health care and high quality, state-of-the -art periodontal treatment also remains high on the priority list.

The department is well equipped with ultrasonic scalers, electrosurgical units, air polisher etc to provide optimum treatment to all the patients and while doing so providing an excellent learning environment for the students.
In a short span of time, a good no. of patients have been treated in the department using both surgical and non surgical techniques like flap surgery bone grafting procedures splinting, local drug delivery and muco gingival surgeries . Emphasis is also laid on identifying high risk patient and providing quality care to patients with systemic deceases. The students learn various aspects of prevention and treatment of periodontal disease
Theory lectures provide students with an insight into the normal and diseased supporting tissues, various treatment modalities and instrumentation.Hands on demonstrations tutorials and clinical discussion enable them to motivate educate and treat the patients.
The Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry at PDM aims to impart quality education in the field of Pediatric Dentistry to students, and provide quality dental care to all children. These objectives are met both at the clinical level, in the department, and at the field level through various rural and school health programmes.

The students begin with lectures in pedodontics in the III year and these lectures cover all aspects of pedodontics and preventive dentistry. The classes are taken both with teaching aids such as LCD projectors and OHPs as well as extempore so as to promote interactive learning. Before taking up clinical cases the students are required to complete pre clinical bench exercises.
The clinical training programme includes, Detailed case history and discussion, Oral Prophylaxis, Restorative procedures,Extractions,Topical fluoride applications, followed by presenting of seminar on allotted topics.
All students are expected to attend at least one school health camp and provide treatment there. They also prepare an oral health talk for the education of the students and the parents. A camp report is submitted to the department by each student.
Zero hour programme is introduced to give students an opportunity to interact freely with the staff whereby the student may ask any question to any staff members. There are regular evaluations by means of class tests and end of posting viva voce, in addition to the internal assessment exams prescribed by the university. In addition the student feed back about the usefulness of the lectures is obtained through the student feedback form.
The motto of the Department of Orthodontics is Service with a Smile. We provide quality orthodontic care in an ethical manner and with Interdisciplinary Team Approach. The department aims to lay foundation of basic knowledge and assimilate associated orthodontic skills thorough understanding of the Etiology, Patho-physiology and subsequently accurate Diagnosis and Treatment planning of various Orthodontic problems.
It gives adequate priorities to Infection Control and safe disposal of hospital waste so as to prevent cross infections. An undergraduate student is initially introduced to the basics of Orthodontics by means of lectures, seminars, and discussions and is in a position to Diagnose and plan treatment which is the prime requisite to prepare them towards a successful clinical practice.
Multimedia & interactive Presentations are used extensively for theory classes. This helps in better understanding of the concepts and at the same time makes learning an enjoyable experience. There is a One to one interaction and discussions with the students during Practical classes and clinical postings.
Oral Medicine & Maxillofacial Radiology is a branch of Dentistry that integrates the fields of medicine and dentistry to promote optimal health. As a specialty, Oral Medicine & Radiology is mainly concerned with

Application of General Medicine & Diagnostics in dentistry for the management of various diseases of the head & neck.
It encompasses the diagnosis and management of a wide variety of non-surgical conditions of the intraoral hard and soft tissues, including facial pain, salivary gland disorders, vesiculo-bullous diseases, and other oral soft tissue lesions that may be either primary in origin or oral manifestations of systemic diseases.
Additionally, recognition of the interaction of oral & systemic health with Integration of medical & oral health care and management of pharmaco-therapeutics necessary for treatment of the same also falls in its preview.
Students are trained to diagnose and manage medically complex patients, those undergoing cancer therapy and psychosomatic oral conditions. .
The department is involved in well-organized School and Community Dental Health education programmes. This helps the students to render dental care services in rural areas, through dental checkup and treatment camps.

Students are trained to develop communicating skills and community responsibility. The dictum behind our academic training for dental students is to mould the dental student in all aspects of community dental health needs & services. Mobile dental van, field work doctors, qualified assistants make possible quality services rendered in the rural camps. The fully air conditioned mobile van is equipped with functional dental chair, X ray unit, compressor to facilitate comprehensive dental treatments.
The department deals with preventive and community aspects in addition to restorative and curative services for individual patients. This branch shows a very different role of dentist in society as a provider of preventive, restorative and curative clinical services to the public at large. The department is involved in training undergraduate students. Apart from lectures, exercises are designed to help the student understand the community aspects of dentistry.

This department has a spacious dissection hall with sufficient number of dissecting tables, mortuary chamber to store the cadavers.It also consists of anatomy museum, histology lab, departmental library, and research lab & seminar room. The students learn about the relevant anatomy and histology in this department.

The department of Bio-Chemistry has a full fledged Bio-chemistry lab. It also caters to biochemistry investigation of the patients. It also has seminar room and departmental library. Knowledge about the biochemical basis of life processes is imparted to the students.

This department includes labs for General Pathology, Pathology Museum, Demonstration rooms, Seminar rooms, Research labs and also departmental library for Pathology in addition to service labs where patients investigations are carried out. The students learn about various disease processes and their significance in dentistry.

This department includes labs for microbiology, Demonstration rooms, Seminar rooms, Research labs and Department library. It has a functional media cum sterilization room & a work station with bio-safety cabinet. The department also maintains specimen & slides/smears of infectious agents & their stock cultures for practical & demonstration purposes.

This department is having Pharmacological laboratory for the practical, a museum, departmental library, seminar room and a research laboratory. The students are imparted knowledge about the commonly used drugs in dentistry.

This department trains students in carvings of various teeth to understand the normal anatomy and physiology of teeth. Students are shown extensive collection of slides to study normal and abnormal histology using sophisticated microscopes and equipment in the department lab.

This department is having various facilities as per norms of Medical / Dental Council of India such as ICU/CCU, general ward and special rooms for male & female patients. Round the clock emergency services with ambulance facility are available. The students are trained to understand the manifestations of diseases and its relevance to practice of dentistry.

This department has three fully equipped major operation theatres and one minor operation theatre where all type of general and special surgeries are performed. Separate male and female wards and air conditioned private rooms are available. The students learn about various diseases requiring surgical intervention.