Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
 /  Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences


Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is continuing from the date of its inception with a mission of imparting teaching and promoting implementation of practical aspects of Humanities and Social Sciences to build a solid foundation. Further, the vision is set for opening up research areas in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences, there by ensuring the scope for imparting Masters and Doctoral level courses in the relevant subjects belonging to the field of Applied Sciences and Humanities.

Our Departments

English is the most commonly and widely used language among foreign language speakers. Throughout the world, when people with different languages come together, they commonly use English to communicate. Even in India as a big country, people going from North to South for education or business, mostly communicate in English and this language has become a link language.
English plays an important role in producing and promoting changes and accepting new trends in the modern Indian society. English generates modernity, imparts new knowledge and skills and gives a formal system of living which is found in the developed countries of the world. Majority of the standard journals and magazines are published in English. If we have knowledge of reading, writing, understanding, speaking English, we would have better knowledge of science and technology, social sciences, industry and health. Language experts agreed that English learning is a very important aspect of life. It has been used as an official language, the language of administration of courts, legislature, etc. It is a language which has a rich literature and also covers the vast spectrum of science and technology as well as industries and commerce.
Why study economics? Study of economics provides the critical and essential understanding of the world in which you live and work. What determines the prices of the goods and services on which you spend your income, and the prices of the stocks and bonds in which you invest your savings? A second reason to study economics is that it can equip you to participate more successfully in the increasingly knowledge-based and interdependent global economy of the twenty-first century. Economics is fundamentally about choice behavior — about how individuals, families, firms and governments deploy their scarce resources so as to maximize the economic well-being of their stakeholders. A third reason to study economics is that it can give you a better understanding of the objectives, methods and limitations of government economic policy. How does the tax system affect the incentives for people to work, for families to spend and save, and for firms to invest? How do government budget deficits and debt affect the economy? Why do average standards of living vary so widely among and within countries?

Studying Psychology makes you a professional Psychologist, where you use your scientific approach to learn about human behavior and mental process and makes you to understand how we think, act and feel. A Psychologist works in a wide variety of different contexts, including clinical, legal, educational and organizational settings in both the private and public sectors. The subject of Psychology helps you to understand yourself; other people about aspects of human behavior in daily life; your interaction with others; your understanding for various psychological disorders including insight into mental illness etc.

Journalism is a very fast growing field. A successful Journalism student learns to think clearly and to make sense of the world around them. The student of Journalism learns how to communicate clearly and directly, how to work co-operatively, how to be organized, how to present himself and communicate his ideas to other people. There are enough reasons, where a student of Journalism can expand his horizons

Our Faculty

PDM University

  ADDRESS:  Sector 3A
                         Bahadurgarh, Haryana 124507

  PHONE:     1800-180-6600 (Toll Free)

  EMAIL:       info@pdm.ac.in

 Nearest Metro Stations:  [Green Line]
Brigadier Hoshiar Singh Metro Station
Bahadurgarh City Metro Station
