The fee payment can be made using following payment method
- Credit Card (VISA / Master Card / Maestro Card / RuPay / Diners)
- Debit Card (VISA / Master Card / RuPay )
- Netbanking
- UPI payment
Payment Instructions:
- Read carefully the instructions before proceeding to payment.
- For Online Payment click the Pay Now button and you will be redirected to Razorpay Fee Payment Page
- Convenience fee  of the transaction amount will be applicable per transaction.
- While making payment online, do not use the Back button on the tool bar of your browser as it will reset page and data shall be lost. Use the links and buttons available on the page to move from one page to another. Further , when you have completed online payment, close all the open browser windows so that others cannot copy your personal details.
- Fee Receipt for the payment will be generated within 48hrs of Payment and will be mailed to the student.
If you face any technical error while Online Payment, Please contact 01276-221713 or email at